Join Us!
Cub Scout curious? Or just signed up and are a brand new Scout family? We're so glad you found us!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Cub Scouting...
If you've not yet done so, come check out a Wednesday night den meeting and meet your leaders. You can view our calendar and upcoming events here: Events
We are currently still using paper applications, which are available at our Den and Pack Meetings. We can also go over the current dues for joining our pack and answer any questions you might have about our optional fundraising to help families pay for the costs of scouting.
Not sure where to get a Class A uniform? Or where to put patches? Our pack requires Class A for all den and pack meetings, unless otherwise stated. Class A for our pack is: uniform shirt, neckerchief, slide and hat. Uniform pants are optional (most kids just wear school pants in Navy or Khaki). The neckerchief slide does not need to be the one that council offers, the scouts have many opportunities throughout the year to earn or make one. Uniform items can be purchased at the Minsi Trails Council Scout Shop in the Lehigh Valley. You'll also need a Cub Scout Handbook for your child's current grade. Cub Scout handbooks are grade specific, so make sure you select your child's current grade.
The first rank your new scout will achieve is Bobcat. Click to find out how to get started on earning your first rank!
Any other questions or concerns? Feel free to email or talk to the Cubmaster, Magena, at a Wednesday night meeting.
Happy Scouting!